Wednesday, August 15, 2012

a second bite ...

Well ... despite the best intentions it's been over a year since I started this ... So much for a quick second bite!

We moved from DC to Milwaukee last July and I think that move disrupted my grand plans for getting caught up with things ... But that's life and I'm now finally starting to feel like I'm getting to a good balance point.

This has been a nice move for us - on one hand, DC was great but there were a number of downsides to living there and I still feel like we didn't take as much advantage as we could have of the museums, the markets, and other stuff. A downside I think to living outside of the district and not on a Metro line!

Wisconsin has been a surprise of sorts - we'd heard good things about it and it has been confirmed so far. Our neighborhood is lovely - both the architecture itself and the people - and I have found a Pilates class, some book clubs, and people to knit with. There also are some excellent restaurants and an incredible art museum and we are quite lucky I think with where we have landed.

In my first post, I mentioned the whole budget idea ... Still not my forte but I'm trying. We keep shedding things and being conscious consumers but it is never easy. My biggest challenge remains the knitting budget which I still tend to max out ... Mostly due to classes, clubs, and present knitting. Yarn and knitting are a larger challenge in some respects for me - I love it all but I have too much and need to work on reducing the stash to a point where it doesn't make me feel pressured.

It's all little steps, some slips, some leaps forward... Hopefully we all end up happy!